Monday, March 30, 2009

“Don’t let Yesterday, take up to much of Today”. - Mr. Will Rogers

I just recently had breakfast with an old boss. It was great to break bread with him, discuss past events and even talk about "Do you regret ever leaving?" Being in today's environment, I am sure people begin to question their current situation and analyze what has brought them to the current point or crossroad. Which is all healthy, but remember the quote "Don't let yesterday, take up to much of today" - Mr. Will Rogers.

I was watching Tiger Woods yesterday and envying his focus and determination. He has not let the last year or even the first three professional outings deter him from moving forward. Sure he looks at tape and analyzes the decision he made, but he never seems to let that detract from where he wants to be. A friend of mine says it is all luck. My comment was, I think he just visualizes and then executes. He does not spend time consumed by the last shot these days.

David Burns is one of many writers that has pronounced the success of visualization. Those that visualize success are those that achieve success. If we spend to much time in the past today or beating ourselves up for too long, we never achieve long term success. Try not to spend to much time in the past...just enough to learn from it and then move ahead full steam.

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